Luther's Little Instruction Book
(The Small Catechism of Martin Luther)

Translation by Robert E. Smith

May 22, 1994

Version 1.1 -- December 22, 1994

PW# 001-003-002Ea

I. The Ten Commandments: The Simple Way a Father Should Present Them to His Household

A. The First Commandment -- You must not have other gods.

B. The Second Commandment -- You must not misuse your God's name.

C. The Third Commandment -- You must keep the Sabbath holy.

D. The Fourth Commandment -- You must honor your father and mother. [So that things will go well for you and you will live long on earth].

E. The Fifth Commandment -- You must not kill.

F. The Sixth Commandment -- You must not commit adultery.

G. The Seventh Commandment -- You must not steal.

H. The Eighth Commandment -- You must not tell lies about your neighbor.

I. The Ninth Commandment -- You must not desire your neighbor's house.

J. The Tenth Commandment -- You must not desire your neighbor's wife, servant, maid, animals or anything that belongs to him.

K. The Conclusion to the Commandments

The Creed:
The Simple Way a Father Should Present it to His Household

I. The First Article: On Creation --

I believe in God the Almighty Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

II. The Second Article: On Redemption

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, descended to Hell, on the third day rose again from the dead, ascended to Heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Almighty Father. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead.

III. The Third Article: On Becoming Holy

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the community of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and an everlasting life. Amen.

The Our Father:
The Simple Way a Father Should Present it to His Household

I. Introduction -- Our Father, Who is in Heaven.

II. The First Request -- May Your name be holy.

III. The Second Request -- Your Kingdom come.

IV. The Third Request -- May Your will be accomplished, as it is Heaven, so may it be on Earth.

V. The Fourth Request -- Give us our daily bread today.

VI. The Fifth Request -- And forgive our guilt, as we forgive those guilty of sinning against


VIII. The Seventh Request -- But set us free from the Evil One.

IX. Amen.

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism:
The Simple Way a Father Should Present it to His Household

I. Q. What is Baptism?
A. Baptism is not just plain water, but it is water contained within God's command and united with God's Word.

Q. Which Word of God is this?
A. The one which our Lord Christ spoke in the last chapter of Matthew:

``Go into all the world, teaching all heathen nations, and baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.''

II. Q. What does Baptism give? What good is it?
A. It gives the forgiveness of sins, redeems from death and the Devil, gives eternal salvation to all who believe this, just as God's words and promises declare.

Q. What are these words and promises of God?
A. Our Lord Christ spoke one of them in the last chapter of Mark:

``Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; but whoever

does not believe will be damned.''

III. Q. How can water do such great things?
A. Water doesn't make these things happen, of course. It is God's Word, which is with and in the water. Because, without God's   Word, the water is plain water and not baptism. But with God's Word it is a Baptism, a grace-filled water of life, a bath of new birth in the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul said to Titus in the third chapter:

``Through this bath of rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit, which He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ, our Savior, that we, justified by the same grace are made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This is a faithful saying.''

IV. Q. What is the meaning of such a water Baptism?
A. It means that the old Adam in us should be drowned by daily sorrow and repentance, and die with all sins and evil lusts, and, in turn, a new person daily come forth and rise from death again. He will live forever before God in righteousness and purity.

Q. Where is this written?
A. St. Paul says to the Romans in chapter six:

``We are buried with Christ through Baptism into death, so that, in the same way Christ is risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, thus also must we walk in a new life.''

How One Should Teach the Uneducated to Confess

I. Q. What is confession?
A. Confession has two parts:

II. Q. Which sins should people confess?
A. When speaking to God, we should plead guilty to all sins, even those we don't know about, just as we do in the ``Our Father,'' but when speaking to the confessor, only the sins we know about, which we know about and feel in our hearts.

Q. Which are these?
A. Consider here your place in life according to the Ten Commandments. Are you a father? A mother? A son? A daughter? A husband? A wife? A servant? Are you disobedient, unfaithful or lazy? Have you hurt anyone with your words or actions? Have you stolen, neglected your duty, let things go or injured someone?

The Sacrament of the Altar:
The Simple Way a Father Should Present it to his Household

I. Q. What is the Sacrament of the Altar?
A. It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under bread and wine for us Christians to eat and to drink, established by Christ Himself.

II. Q. Where is that written?
A. The holy apostles Matthew, Mark and Luke and St. Paul write this:

``Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the night on which He was betrayed, took bread, gave thanks, broke it, gave it to His disciples and said: ``Take! Eat! This is My body, which is given for you. Do this to remember Me!'' In the same way He also took the cup after supper, gave thanks, gave it to them, and said: ``Take and drink from it, all of you! This

cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you to forgive sins. This do, as often as you drink it, to remember Me!''

III. Q. What good does this eating and drinking do?
A. These words tell us: ``Given for you'' and ``Shed for you to forgive sins.'' Namely, that the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation are given to us through these words in the sacrament. Because, where sins are forgiven, there is life and salvation as well.

IV. Q. How can physical eating and drinking do such great things?
A. Of course, eating and drinking do not do these things. These words, written here, do them: ``given for you'' and ``shed for you to forgive sins.'' These words, along with physical eating and drinking are the important part of the sacrament. Anyone who believes these words has what they say and what they record, namely, the forgiveness of sins.

V. Q. Who, then, receives such a sacrament in a worthy way?
A. Of course, fasting and other physical preparations are excellent disciplines for the body. But anyone who believes these words, ``Given for you,'' and ``Shed for you to forgive sins,'' is really worthy and well prepared. But whoever doubts or does not believe these words is not worthy and is unprepared, because the words, ``for you'' demand a heart that fully believes.

How a Father Should Teach His Household
to Conduct Morning and Evening Devotions:

Morning Devotions

As soon as you get out of bed in the morning, you should bless yourself with the sign of the Holy Cross and say:

May the will of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be done! Amen.

Then, kneeling or standing, say the creed and pray the Lord's Prayer. If you wish, you may then pray this little prayer as well:

My Heavenly Father, I thank You, through Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son, that You kept me safe from all evil and danger last night. Save me, I pray, today as well, from every evil and sin, so that all I do and the way that I live will please you. I put myself in your care, body and soul and all that I have. Let Your holy Angels be with me, so that the evil enemy will not gain power over me. Amen.

After that, with joy go about your work and perhaps sing a song inspired by the Ten Commandments or your own thoughts.

The Evening Devotions

When you go to bed in the evening, you should bless yourself with the sign of the Holy Cross and say:

May the will of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be done! Amen.

Then, kneeling or standing, say the creed and pray the Lord's Prayer. If you wish, then you may pray this little prayer as well:

My Heavenly Father, I thank You, through Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son, that You have protected me, by Your grace. Forgive, I pray, all my sins and the evil I have done. Protect me, by Your grace, tonight. I put myself in your care, body and soul and all that I have. Let Your holy angels be with me, so that the evil enemy will not gain power over me. Amen.

After this, go to sleep immediately with joy.

How a Father Should Teach His Household
to say Grace and Return Thanks at Meals:

The children and servants should come to the table modestly and with folded hands and say:

All eyes look to you, O Lord, and You give everyone food at the right time. You open Your generous hands and satisfy the hunger of all living things with what they desire.


"What they desire" means that all animals get so much to eat, that they are happy and cheerful. Because, worry and greed interferes with such desires.

After this, pray the Lord's Prayer and the following prayer:

Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless us and these gifts, which we receive from Your generous hand, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

This text was translated in 1994 for Project Wittenberg by Robert E. Smith and has been placed in the public domain by him. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther Library at:

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